Michael Kai is a Melbourne-based photographer. Born in a town close to Berlin, Germany, Michael spent two years as a documentary photographer in post-war Kosovo before pursuing further studies in Germany and Australia. Michael has worked primarily as a commissioned photographer. His distinctive style incorporates a striking balance of colour, a clean, graphical approach to composition and the use of negative space to frame clear focal points, creating images that are both simple and visually arresting.


ANZ, Apple, Arko Design, ALE Property Group, Aloha Pools, Audi, Bankwest, Beaton Global, Bell Potter, BTB Australia, Burbank, Caterpillar, Camberwell Girls Grammar, Canon, CareSuper, City of Melbourne, Cobalt Niche Design, CBA, Decor8, Disney, Earp Bros, Delaware, Department of Primary Industries, Feelgood Designs, Fujifilm, FutureFund, Hafele, Hall & Wilcox Lawyers, Hudsons Coffee, Kmart, International Equity, Jardan, Lacoste, Marc Pascal, Melbourne Airport, Melbourne University, Myer, National Storage, Nissan, RACV, RailCorp, Rheem, Didier Design, Rubicon, Schindler, Stihl, The Australian Ballet, Vaughan Construction, VicSuper, VicUrban, Virgin Fitness, Viridian Glass, Westfield, WorkSafe, Vision Eye Institute, Visy, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine


AJF, Accelerator, Artbeat, Bite Visual, Flame Design, BMF, Buck, BurnsBridge Sweett, Commotion Creative, Elmwood Design, DDB Worldwide, Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Hakuhodo Singapore, JWT, Kube Design, Langdon Lorraine, OMG Creative, One Small Step Collective, Precinct, Ross Barr & Associates, Saatchi & Saatchi, Sierra Delta, Studio HiHo, Vetro Design, Volume, Wellmark, Whybin TBWA

For all architectural clients and projects please refer to the listing on individual image captions.


HeadOn Momento Book Award, Int. Color Award, Adobe Design Achievement Award, Arte Laguna Int. Photography Prize, RedDot Award, Winner Linden Postcard Show, Nikon Photo Contest International, Canon ProfiFoto Award, ACMP Projections Best Commercial & Overall Photographer


HeadOn Awards, State Library of New South Wales; Sub1000, Edmund Pearce Gallery, Melbourne; CamArt, Camberwell Girls Grammar, Melbourne; The World Is Yours, Edmund Pearce Gallery, Melbourne; International Color Awards; This Side Up, Galerie Breuer, Munich, Germany; This Side Up, Galleria d'Arte l'Occhio, Venice, Italy

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